Why is Valentine’s considered to be the official day of spreading messages of love? And why everyone should know the simple trick with the Valentines day quotes of love?
One of the most commonly observed Valentine’s Day customs is the exchange of ‘Valentines’. And one of the most popular ways to express love, too. There’s a massive variety of Valentine greeting cards, although there’s nothing better than a personal love message from the bottom of your heart. But what if you’re not so good at words? Or you struggle to find the best ones to explain how you feel? So here’s a simple trick – use special Valentines day quotes to convey your love.
Continue reading to find some great love quotes. In addition, I’ve gathered some funny sayings or just simple wishes for Valentine’s Day.
** This following post contains some affiliate links. Despite that, the written in here is honest and based on my own opinion or/and experience, research and wish to share my findings with you
What about some Valentine’s day prehistory?
( if not interested, just skip it)
I am a kind person who’s always searching for a reason, meaning, logical explanation, or story behind. As Valentine’s day is the most popular celebration at this time of the year, there’s no way to skip the question – WHY? Why there should be a special day to fuss about demonstrating and messaging love? And who is this St. Valentine after all?
So here’s the story

Image| http://eyeofthefish.org
In ancient times unmarried soldiers were considered to be better performers on the battlefield. Therefore, Emperor Claudius II (a Roman emperor) had an edict to ban the marriage of young soldiers (imagine this…)
Luckily, there was a bishop called Valentine of Rome (at those times he hasn’t been a saint yet) who performed secret weddings for young soldiers and their beloveds. Same soldiers who were forbidden to marry.
Unfortunately, Valentine was revealed, imprisoned and sentenced to death.
During his imprisonment, he was said to have healed the daughter of the jailer and fell in love with her. But just before he was to be executed he left a farewell note to his lover signed ‘from your Valentine‘ – starting a tradition that would last centuries after his death.
Unfortunately, he was executed on the 14th of February around 270 AD.
It wasn’t until the 18th century that the day appeared on the love scene as a romantic celebration. Lovers exchanged hand-written greeting cards (known as ‘valentines’), confectionery, flowers and other valuable tiny (or maybe not so) gifts to express their love on this day.
Later, hand-written greeting cards gave way to printed cards with Valentines Day quotes or love quotes inscribed on them.

Image| http://weekendcowgirl.com/
Valentines Day Messages of Love
Usually, the best Valentine greeting card is the handmade one. It is extra valuable if you just express your love in your own words. Of course, there’s no need to use sophisticated and bombastic words. Sometimes less is better.
BUT, I know people who are not good with words. As a result, they always say – I can’t make up anything sensible. And this writing thing makes them feel uncomfortable and less confident. If that’s you, here’s how to deal with this – valentines day quotes about love do miracles! Really!
Instead of sweating over a plain sheet of paper, spending hours of thinking, rethinking, writing and scratching off, then rewriting and still hesitating on the quality of your words, just copy/ paste one of the following classics all time. Of maybe you prefer something funny? Or just a wish? Scroll to check if you find exactly what you need this Valentine’s day.
Of course, don’t forget to add small words of yours to personalize the message of love – a joke you have, a secret word, or just “love you, sweetheart” or whatever you call your lover.
(This is, by the way, a super trick for every love occasion from now on…)
Some Valentines Day Quotes About Love – all time classics
Here is a list of the most popular Valentines Day quotes in use today (course, there are books on the market that gather love messages, quotes and sayings, like this 1000’s of romantic sayings and more Kindle book):
#1 Doubt that stars are fire Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.~ William Shakespeare, 17th-century English poet, playwright, and actor
#2 Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone, we find it with another.~ Thomas Merton, American writer and mystic
#3 The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere, they are in each other all along.~ Rumi, (Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi) 13th-century Persian poet, Islamic scholar, and theologian
#4 If you live to be hundred, I want to live to be hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.~ A. A. Milne, English author and playwright
#5 For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.~ Judy Garland, American actress, and singer
#6 I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for their religion -I have shudder’d at it. I shudder no more. I could be martyr’d for my religion. Love is my religion And I could die for that. I could die for you.~ John Keats, 19th-century English romantic poet
#7 My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; The more I give to thee The more I have, For both are infinite.~ William Shakespeare, 17th-century English poet, playwright, and actor
#8 The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it, you and you alone make me feel that I am alive.~ George Moore, Irish novelist, short-story writer, and poet
#9 I love thee, I love thee, ‘Tis all I can say. It is my vision in the night, My dreaming in the day.~ Thomas Hood, 19th-century English humorist, and poet
#10 If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up every day to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and feel your heart beating with mine knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.~ Courtney Kuchta, poet
… Or Maybe Prefer Funny Valentines Day Quotes?

Image | Etsy.com
Nowadays many couples choose to be a little playful when wishing their loved one with Valentine’s message. There are several funny Valentines day quotes that are available today that complement the playful attitude of these lovers. A few of which are listed below.
Gosh, look at these funny valentines day cards! Click on the links below the image to visit retailer website or pin for later inspiration! (thanks to Amazon.com)

Woman Goosing Husband Funny Valentine Card by Avanti Press – check HERE | All My Butt by NobleWorks – check HERE | Love You So Much by NobleWorks – check HERE | You Fill My Whole Heart by Greeting Card Store – check HERE | And IIIIII Will Always by NobleWorks – check HERE | Don’t Go Bacon My Heart by NobleWorks – check HERE
Here’s My Top 5 Funny Valentine’s Day Quotes
….Or Maybe Just A Wish
Other than funny Valentines day quotes many people still use a lot of general sayings to wish their beloved. Here is a small list of some unique and romantic Happy Valentine’s day wishes that you can use:
The Controversial Valentine’s Day
Seems like Valentine’s day is a great occasion to rev up the love between lovers. And while this celebration is perceived to be the most lovely and affectionate holiday of the year, it is still rather controversial. There are tons of comments and debates on the topic “Should we celebrate Valentine’s day?”. Or “Isn’t Valentine’s day too commercial holiday to be a celebration of love?”. And this is repeating every single year!
I don’t know your opinion (I’m curious, though, so feel free to left comments down below!), but there’s one thing that I am 100% sure of – Love Always Worth Celebrating! (check this Hallmark Valentine card). Despite all Valentine’s haters!
So why not take the chance for some extra pampering? And let your heart speak or use Valentine’s day quotes?
(If you want to play different and make a very special gift with a special valentine poem, please check here to follow my post about Valentine’s day poems.)
What about if you’re single? Don’t bother at all! Just let your Pooch be your Valentine! Or go out with your gang and enjoy special dinner and wine!

Love Always Worth Celebrating Valentine’s day card – check HERE