DIY Gift Wrapping Ideas – Easy To Make Even If Not Skilled
Gift wrapping ideas are usually spread only on big occasions like Christmas and St.Valentine. But the truth is that we all love receiving beautifully gift-wrapped boxes on every single occasion, and almost as much as we appreciate the gift itself. In a matter of fact, and according to the Gift Etiquette, the gift wrapping is as much important as the gift itself.
It’s really common these days to use gift bags, bought from the local store or stationary to put the gift in. Yes, there are many of them, in different designs, for different occasions, with different messages, in various shapes and sizes. But what if you haven’t the opportunity to buy one, or just haven’t timed? Or simply love being creative and don’t like the so impersonal (to me) gift bags? How about having some DIY gift wrapping ideas out of any situation?
I found my solutions and really want to share them with you. There are tons of good gift wrapping ideas and these here are just one small piece of the cake. But they are the most basic ones and easy to apply if you have to put the final touches very fast with materials at hand. I want to assure you that I am not talented in gift wrapping. But these gift wrapping ideas are as easy as 1-2-3 and even the unskilled (like me) can apply them for the next occasion! Honestly!
So if you are the kind of gift-giver who puts a lot of thought into making everything perfect for someone’s special occasion or a lovely holiday celebration, this post gives you an idea or two (or just some inspiration) on how to dress up your gifts in a lovely, creative, not expensive, impressive and personal way.
# 1 A Gift Envelope (free download)
It’s true that good things come in small packages. Especially in such a lovely envelope. And if this one is a freebie, the things become much easier and better for us. You can put many different things in the envelope: a gift card, a DVD/CD, money, tiny handmade scrapbook, small photo album, an e-book … Actually, its original purpose is for gift cards, which are pretty good gift options for baby shower party or a wedding. The receivers of these types of occasions (moms and newlyweds) need that freedom to pick out their own perfect present.

Via Love vs. Design (printable)
# 2 Word Search Gift Wrap
You can buy such a gift wrapping paper on the market, but how about making it more personal and imprint names or phrases or just some keywords, describing the gift-receiver? All you need is a little imagination and a printer. Just head to Discovery Education online puzzle maker, make your preferable settings, download or copy/paste, print and you are ready. If you have the opportunity to print on larger paper, it’s much easier, but if not, the solution is to glue together 4 or 6 or 8 or as much as you need A4 sheets. The result will be pretty the same (if you are good with glueing 🙂 )
# 3 Labels for your Food & Drinks Gifts (printable)
If you love making foodies gifts, that’s a perfect solution for you. Your homemade food or favorite beverages will look so charming and personal with these beautiful and vintage styled labels. To add that personalized touch to your gifted goodies, just download the PDF designed set of chalkboard style food labels for you – suitable for every season. An advantage is that the labels are reusable 🙂

via Lea Griffith
# 4 Classic B & W
The classic is classic. Black and white gift wrapping is always a good option when going to a formal event or occasion, or the gift-receiver is a man. Making a color accent with a color ribbon will do the final work. I prefer red ribbon for ladies, green or blue for men. You can make anything you want in B & W because it’s easy to print it, even if not having a color printer.

via Sarasot Magazine (download)
Browse the Internet for charming or stylish patterns and just copy/paste them into a Word or PowerPoint document. Fill in the whole sheet with the same pattern and then print it on A4. Print as many A4 sheets as you need (depending on the size of the gift). Then glue them together to make a bigger sheet.

via Dreams Time
# 5 Recycled Magazine Bows
In gift wrap cases of emergency when you already prepared the gift but need some fast wrapping, here is one of the really nice gift wrapping ideas for turning a magazine page into a bow. Every woman has one of her favorite magazine’s issue left out. All you need is to find a colored page (usually the advertising pages do best), scissors, glue, and staples. Of course, there may be better ways to stick the parts of the recycled bows together, but I suggest only materials that usually we had on hand.

via How About Orange
So what’s the idea: cut the chosen magazine page lengthwise into 9 strips, 3/4″ wide. Leave 3 of the strips full length. Then cut one inch off 3 of the strips. Cut two inches off 2 of the strips. Cut the last strip down to 3 1/2″ long. Twist each strip to form a loop at both ends and staple it in the center. Shape the last, short strip into a circle and secure it with a glue dot. Layer the three longest pieces on top of each other, spacing them evenly and securing each with a glue dot. Add the next two groups of pieces, doing the same. And finally, stick the loop into the center. Voila! It’s a creative way using an old map too, or any leftover pieces, or any other paper material for the bows. I think it’s brilliant, saving money, expressing. Thanks a lot!
# 6 Wine Bag Repurpose
Everyone has a pair of jeans that would never ever wear on again, but would never ever throw in the bin. It’s time to repurpose them and to make these adorable wine bags very easy. Skinny will do the best work here, but any other type of denim will be ok. I know you’re smart and already get the idea, but nevertheless, in simple few words – cut the pant leg according to the length of the bottle (if the bottle is 13″, cut 15 ” so that you have a top for extra decoration). Actually, the bottom of the jeans will be the top of our bags, so you only need to sew one very short seam (on the back side). You can sew it on hand, even if you’re not talented in this crafting. Sew the seam, turn the bag right side out and slip the bottle. The final touches I remain on your taste – a ribbon, flowers, tags, extra decoration….whatever!

via My Soulful Home
# 7 Say It With Music
It’s really charming to have a gift wrapped in such way! I would love to have, moreover I love music and spent years on playing the piano. You can find gift wrapping paper like this one from the picture down on the market, but there’s an easy way – download sheets of music, print them and according to the size of the gift, glue 2, 4, 6, 8 or how many A4 you need to wrap everything. I know it’s not really appropriate for strange and uncommon-shaped gifts, but boxes will look great, especially if the gift-receiver is fond of music.

Image Source: Miss Mustard
You can browse for free sheets of music the Internet, but I recently landed on 2 interesting sites: MusOpen and MusicSheets. In the first site, you can find sheet music searching by composer, instrument, form and time period. Here are most of all classics of all time, you can download them PFD FREE, and look absolutely authentic because are scanned. The second site suggests more popular songs and again you can find almost everything you need. It’s nice you can hear the song when choosing whether to download. The thing is that this is a paid site, but you can download for FREE only the first page of the sheets. Well, to me, that’s enough, because you know – on the first page is the name of the song, the composer and all the main information, which will help you with the message of your gift.
# 8 Map It Out
You can reuse old maps, or simply buy or print a map. With the free access to google maps on our phones and computers, it’s rare to see someone using paper maps. Calendars are of no use after the end of the year too. So they both can be excellent wrapping paper as they are large and have thick sheets. They are already colorful, so you don’t need to do anything extra. If using a map, you can always write with a marker a message like “Enjoy the whole world!” or “Wishing you world-wide trip” or whatever you think the gift-receiver will love. You can even highlight a memorable route or circle a significant city/ country for the recipient.

via GreenOverdose
# 9 Fonts
These gift wrapping ideas with names and monograms perfectly replace the tags. It’s really good idea for gift wrapping decorating for men and boys who usually can’t see the point of ribbons and the “chic” look of the package. It’s easy – first, make some letter templates. You will need quite a big font size to fill an A5 or A4 sheet of paper (depending on the space you want to cover with letters and the size of the gift). Print out the letters you need by setting them as “outline” to save the ink. You can play a little bit the fonts, but when choosing, remember that you’ll have to cut the letters with scissors by hand. So a simple Arial will work just fine.
You can print the letters onto plain paper, or you can choose colored sheets, or maps, or sheets of music, or magazines, or old newspapers (for a vintage effect). Now you can use the directly cut shapes to glue them on, or you can use them as samples, ready to be used a long time ahead. If you choose the second way (depending on how much you like this idea), draw around each letter with a pencil on whatever paper you choose and then cut it out (again). Now you have your letters, ready to be placed and glued to the gift.

via Bugs and Fishes
# 10 Spring Time
Flowers are something that could not be skipped when making a gift. Don’t forget them, especially for gifting a lady! (no matter the age!) Having in mind the spring season now, we can combine flowers and plants with the gifts in a very charming way. With these amazing “green” gift wrapping ideas the wrap on itself will be a gift to receive. Just use your imagination and whatever flowers you can find in the florist-shop and your own garden – it’s even better and more natural. Simple brown wrapping paper will do work since the accent should be on the flowers. Use scotch or glue to fix the stems.

via PS by Dila
A variation of this idea is to take a leaf off, let’s say, a banana plant, palm tree. Use your creativity to use any appropriate leaf you find in your area. Decorate it with flowers and twigs and you have an amazing organic gift wrap ready.

Via Green Overdose
So now, after having these DIY gift wrapping ideas – DON’T YOU THINK THAT GIVING AND RECEIVING GIFTS is a lot more fun when you put just a little more effort, idea, and creativity into the gift wrapping? Follow to see other interesting ideas on gift presenting, decorating and wrapping. See you soon!