Book-Themed Baby Shower – A Great Alternative for A Higher Level Party
For the bless of all book lovers, there’s nothing more trendy today than showing off your love of literature. And if you’re going to celebrate a new baby coming on Earth, the book themed baby shower is definitely the best option for you. A higher level baby shower party!
And no, this won’t make you look like an uncool book nerd.
A baby shower has usually been an event for the mom-to-be. With friends and family where whacky games are played, the cake is eaten, and lots of baby gifts are given. But now, with our everyday changing world, many expectant families are opting to try a different version of the baby shower. There are several trends in baby showers that are emerging. And one of the best topics recently appeared is the book themed baby shower. Here are my favorite reasons why.
**This following post contains some affiliate links. Despite that, the written in here is honest and based on my own opinion or/and experience, research and wish to share my findings with you!
Why book-themed baby shower?
Well, there are several reasons for that.
Reason # 1
Books will always remain all human’s informational and creativity best friend. And their role for the baby raising is unconditional! Reading to your baby stimulates senses, builds listening, memory and vocabulary skills. The added value is that reading to your baby is so wonderful shared activity that can be continued for years to come!
Reason # 2
The earlier parents introduce books to their babies, the earlier they will develop good reading (and listening) habits.
Reason # 3
A storybook theme is absolutely gender-neutral. No matter if the parents are waiting for the baby’s gender surprise, or don’t subscribe to gender-specific concepts, this baby shower book theme will work.
Reason # 4
There are thousands and thousands of books – some classics, some modern, some interactive books, some nursery rhymes. These are all valuable for each stage of the baby development and then to the small baby & kid’s library.
And when talking about a library, here comes my next reason.
Reason # 5
Investing in a baby’s library could cost too much, but it’s something necessary. Don’t be stingy when talking about buying books for your child. Therefore, a great way to help yourself (and mainly your budget) is to organize a book-themed baby shower and let your friends know what you actually want for your sweet little bundle. After all, with the book-themed baby shower, the collection of books will be enough to make a mini-library for the kid. (A very good start indeed.)
Reason # 6
Well, books are a treasure. Everlasting treasure. An educational and entertaining way to grow our children.

The book is one of the best gifts for any baby shower!
No wonder that bring-a-book themed baby shower is a great alternative to the traditional baby shower.
Don’t get me wrong. I love showering the new mom with all the practical things she’ll need for her baby (like these useful non-toy gifts). Maybe gifts for both mama and baby (like the whimsical harmony ball); or keepsake gifts to help save the sweet baby memories for years to come (like body casting sets); or simply all the baby necessities like nappies, baby oils, dummies, towels, etc. Especially if arranged in a charming diaper cake.
But I just adore the simplicity and usefulness of a book shower! And it could be so so funny!
What To Expect of A Book-Themed Baby Shower?

Image via: Fox Groove Expert
Of course many books!
What could be better than this?
You just have to ask your guests to bring books. As a little contribution to your baby’s first library. (of course, on your invitations, as a kind request).
Every guest can find an interesting and attractive book to bring. And not even any book, but books that they have loved when they were little kids. Books for infants to introduce concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way. Or books for toddlers to feature animals and body parts. Or coloring books to spend hours combining different colors.
My favorite options are all the books with enchanting stories about fairies and castles. Or stories of the world. Books that introduce to the children lovely characters of all times like Benjamin Bunny, Peter Pan, Snow White, Aladdin, Sleeping Princess, and many more. And all Disney characters by the way.
The possibilities are endless. And precious!

Image via Best Books For Kids
Different Ages, Different Stages – Book-Themed Baby Shower Combines It All
I can honestly say that from 6th months-old my daughter (now 5 yo) has been playing mostly with books. Her small library (it’s a pity I didn’t come up with this idea at the time of my baby shower….) is one of the most interesting things that completely take over her attention.
Of course, books are quite different for each stage of the babyhood, with different purposes. So be sure that no matter what book will be brought for your baby, it will be appreciated one day – sooner or later.
Image via: 7 Million Wonders
Books for Infants
- Young babies usually focus on pictures with faces, bright colors, and contrasting patterns. So the book should contain beautiful but not intense illustrations. Books with lullabies and nursery rhymes will be highly appreciated – it is so intimate moment when cuddling your baby and singing a lullaby, seeing how your pumpkin stares at your mouth, amazed by the sounds, relaxed by the warmth of mommy’s or daddy’s hug. Precious!
- Usually between 4 – 6 months, the baby may begin to show more interest in books – as items that should be chewed, held, dropped (it’s kind of game for the baby). So choosing tough vinyl, cloth books or board books with bright colors and repetitive or rhyming text is the best choice for this stage. (Board books make page turning easier for infants and vinyl or cloth books can go everywhere — even the tub.)
- Between 6 – 12 months, the little child is beginning to understand that pictures represent objects. The baby (because they are still babies) will respond while you read. By making funny sounds. As is dialogue is happening.
Books for Toddlers
- By 12 months the baby will probably turn pages (with some help from you), point objects on a page, and repeat sounds. Babies at their first birthday usually recognize simple stories about daily routines like walking, bedtime, bathtime. Or the potty training.
- For the time when the child starts talking (it is individual), choose books that invite babies to repeat simple words or phrases. Books with mirrors and different textures (furry, soft, scratchy, prickly) are also great for this age group. Another type is the fold-out book that can be propped up or book with flaps that open for a surprise. Great choice!
Also – babies of any age like photo albums with pictures of people they know and love.
Oh, and every baby should have a collection of nursery rhymes!
(By the way, I love the concept of the so-called “quiet books“, that are called “quiet” because usually, babies spend hours in turning pages, “playing” with the elements, staring at the objects ALONE – just what a tired mommy needs….)
Books for Kids
After that is easy – there are classic books with stories that are known worldwide.
2 Useful Tips
# 1 (for the bookish baby shower organization) Better have a wish list to spread to your guests
# 2 (general and share with all my love and respect) Have your kid FIRST READ, then watch them on Disney Channel or on DVDs! Please!!!
Final Thoughts
Book-themed baby showers are a great idea for a lot of reasons. Throw a book-themed shower and you won’t feel sorry. After all what could be a better introduction to the world of reading?
Your Turn
Do you remember which was your favorite children’s book? Or favorite book characters? Those you remember and would love to introduce to the kids? Would you throw a bookish baby shower? I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section below.
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